Wednesday, March 27, 2019

History of the Fire Mark

Fighting fire evolved after the Great Fire of London swept through the central parts of the city from Sunday, September 2nd to Thursday, September 6th, 1666. After this fire, London created an insurance system and fire companies. A fire mark is a metal plaque that was attached to the building after the property owner purchased fire insurance. The fire mark would identify not only which buildings were insured but by which company.
Fire marks were used in the U.S. from about 1750 to around the 1900. There were no municipal fire departments in the early days of the United States, rather fire brigades that were often owned by the insurance companies. The fire brigades only responded to property that were insured but in time, that would change. Uninsured property that would catch fire could threaten nearby insured property and therefore, there was a benefit to fighting the fire of uninsured property.

In other cities, the fire brigades were independent companies and competitors of each other. Whichever brigade was able to claim the fire would receive the insurance payout. One way to stake the claim was to be the first brigade to place a ladder on the burning structure. Fire companies would have specific employees assigned to placing the ladder and to prevent the competing company from doing so. There are stories that brigades would get into physical fights in the front yard as the structure burned.

Communication: Clear, Concise, and Complete

A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. It can be categorized into four types including verbal, non-verbal, visual and written. The answer? Communication. Firefighters are surrounded by all forms of communication and quality exchange of information can drastically change an outcome of a call. Just the same, miscommunication can have grave affects on the outcome of emergency situations. When picking up take-out food that was previously called in, it has become standard to check the order before leaving the restaurant as miscommunication during ordering is not uncommon. While this example is perhaps insignificant in the grand scheme, the same simple miscommunication of even one word between emergency personnel can be detrimental, causing events to spiral. For example, what could be the difference between hearing pop the door when the message was stop at the door. It should not be a goal to ensure quality communication on the fire-ground but should be viewed as a lifesaving necessity.

A fire scene consists as multiple people, of multiple ranks, and multiple tasks being done simultaneously requiring coordinated efforts and effective communication. To ensure effective communication, consistent training is imperative. One break in the chain, which could be one change in the personnel (possibly a new hire) can alter the communication link. Simple differences in people such as gender, age, and education can alter communication skills – both giving and receiving.

To maximize communication, the sender of information should consider the three C’s – clear, concise, and complete. Using these tactics can simplify personal biases and barriers as mentioned above. Clear communication is establishing words, signals, and gestures that are understood by the person giving the information as well as the person receiving the information. Concise is the amount of words, signals, and gestures in order to relay information. Complete communication emphasizes the message is understood ensuring everyone is on the same page. Parroting the message is essential for confirming the communication is complete; in other words, repeat the message.

The truth is, we all acknowledge communication is imperative and while communication suggestions can be researched, the barriers of personal biases and regional differences will alter suggestions of those communication tactics. The best way to perfect communication within your department is training. The best way to train to improve communication is by playing games of course!  Most training officers focus on the meat and potatoes of training – ladders, ropes, and hoses but communication training should be considered just as important. There are many communication game ideas’ out there but here are a few that have been proven to be helpful as well as fun, and they are at little to no cost.

Communication origami
Hand out a blank piece of paper and have everyone sit in the same room where they cannot see others paper. Give a series of instructions, without allowing any questions to be asked, including but not limited to fold your piece of paper in half, turn it upside down, fold one corner to the opposite corner, etc. After several folds, you will find the papers may look differently. Pass out a second sheet of paper and this time, give very specific instructions, such as fold the paper in half long ways from left to right and allow questions from the participants. The goal is to have all the papers look the same.

Lego Language
This game can be developed from simple and complex. Start by crafting a Lego model and do not allow anyone to see the finished design. Separate into teams of two or three and provide each team with necessary Lego’s to complete the model. The person that constructed the model will them give the teams instructions to build the model by radio, not sharing what the final product should look like. The person giving instructions will realize their instructions, thought of as clean and obvious, can be taken in more ways than one.

Lego Language 2
This time separate into three groups in which one group will be the command center, the second group is logistics and operations are the third group. In preparation for the drill, create a structure using the Legos which will be given to the command group. Provide the logistics group with the same Legos that were used to build the model but in single form. (Option: give additional Lego’s to the logistics group that isn’t used to build the model). Separate into different rooms and only communicate by radios. The command center and logistics cannot communicate with each other. The operations team communicates with command to receive instructions and communicates with logistics to place orders. (Option: only allow 5 pieces to be ordered at once and/or limit the amount of orders). You will find the shapes, sizes and colors of the Lego pieces will cause confusion.

Separate into teams of three or four and identify one team member as the command center, the rest as the entry team. Set up this drill by using duct tape to create 4 symbols on the floor of a room or bay in the firehouse, not allowing anyone to see the design prior. The symbols are a triangle, square, circle and X. Make the symbols at least two feet by two feet and all similar in size. Give the command center a piece of paper and pen and separate them into another room only having contact to the entry team by radio.

Allow the entry team into the space where the symbols have been taped on the floor. Inform the team they are in a building fire with thick smoke and cannot see anything other than the floor where the symbols are. They cannot orient to windows and doors or use cardinal directions. The entry team must describe what they see, and the command center is to draw symbols being described on the paper.

Shape Communication 2
After completing the task above, add location points onto the command centers drawing, one on each symbol by placing a dot on a corner of each. Give the entry team four traffic cones. Request the command center instruct the entry team to place the cones on the location points.

Allow your team to discover what communication style, method and language works for them. You will begin to better understand what does not work, such as using clock positions, left/right or directions such as north/south followed by developing a method that does work.

These games may seem simple but they will emphasize the importance of effective communication. When a situation ends badly, it almost always includes lack of communication. In firefighting, this can be devastating – if not deadly.

Potatoes & Bagpipes

What do potatoes and bagpipes have in common?

It all began when the Irish fled to the New World escaping the Great Potato Famine in the 1840’s. The New World was predominantly populated by Anglo-Americans whom were less than accepting of the Irish; not surprising considering the friction between England and Ireland for centuries. Common in the storefronts and factories was a sign that read “NINA” or “No Irish Need Apply,” making it difficult for the Irish immigrants to obtain work. The toughest and most dangerous jobs were where Irishmen tended to be employed, essentially dominating the firehouses and police stations.

Just as the belongings in their bags, the Irish brought their deep-rooted Celtic traditions, including playing the bagpipes at weddings and funerals. Since the death toll was incredibly high for first responders, a funeral was a frequent occurrence during this time. The families of the fallen Irishman spared no shortcuts when one of their own was killed, including playing the bagpipes. It has also been said the somber bagpipe music served as a reminder to the town who was protecting and serving them. The traditional Irish uilleann pipes were exchanged with the Great Highland bagpipes, a Scottish instrument as they cast a larger sound. Soon enough, families of non-Irish decent asked for bagpipes to be played at their funerals as well.

The tradition spans times as bagpipes are still utilized for fallen first responders today, nearly 180 years later. However, it is without prejudice. St. Patrick’s Day in 1956, the Emerald Society was founded, a group of public safety officers whom carry on the tradition of playing the pipes at funerals. They are represented nationally with nearly 8,000 members, carrying on the traditions honorably.

Refurbishing Rigs

Refurbished 1989 Sutphen. It was a prototype with twin deluge sets and named by Sutphen the " Master Blaster".

It’s incredible to think that there are many apparatuses that cost over one million dollars to build. The tariffs we are currently experiencing are sure to increase those price points, making it challenging for departments to keep their fleet up to speed. In 2009 when the economy was suffering, fire departments chose to refurbish apparatus as an alternative for purchasing new. Manufactures experienced a drastic decline in new truck sales, upwards of 40% and refurbishing rigs became popular again. While new truck sales are bouncing back, refurbishing is still a considerable option as departments are still monitoring their budgets closely.

In short, refurbishment can extend your apparatus ten to fifteen years on a truck that is ten or fifteen years old. The motivation for many departments is to use a still functional and strong body and replace the chassis which typically saves a great deal of money for municipalities. The cost is a fraction of buying new, potentially as high as a 60% savings on a complete refurb compared to a new rig coming off the line.

According to NFPA 1912, Standard for Fire Apparatus Refurbishing, there are two different levels of refurbishing. Level 1 is more in-depth where the vehicle gets a new drive train and the entire truck and its components are brought up to current NFPA standards. Level 2 brings the vehicle up to standards when the truck was built. Often, departments chose to refurb a rig in compliance with Level 2 standards but also include technical upgrades, such as replacing halogen lighting with LED lighting, adding chevrons for safety as well as rebuilding shelves inside the compartments. Refurbs become more complex when referring to aerials which can include replacing all cabling and wear pad. Pumping systems can require values and gauges to be updated if not completely overhauled.

Most refurbishing centers give the department power to chose what your specific needs are regarding upgrades and repairs. The first step is obtaining a full assessment of the apparatus to determine what your needs and wants are, as well as the cost to achieve those goals. Another refurbishing option is to transform an apparatus to another type, for example, repurposing an older pumper to a hazmat unit or even a mobile command center.

To learn more about apparatus refurbishing or to request an assessment on your aging vehicle, contact Legacy Fire Apparatus at