What do potatoes and bagpipes have in common?
It all began when the Irish fled to the New World escaping
the Great Potato Famine in the 1840’s. The New World was predominantly
populated by Anglo-Americans whom were less than accepting of the Irish; not
surprising considering the friction between England and Ireland for centuries. Common
in the storefronts and factories was a sign that read “NINA” or “No Irish Need
Apply,” making it difficult for the Irish immigrants to obtain work. The
toughest and most dangerous jobs were where Irishmen tended to be employed,
essentially dominating the firehouses and police stations.
Just as the belongings in their bags, the Irish brought
their deep-rooted Celtic traditions, including playing the bagpipes at weddings
and funerals. Since the death toll was incredibly high for first responders, a
funeral was a frequent occurrence during this time. The families of the fallen
Irishman spared no shortcuts when one of their own was killed, including
playing the bagpipes. It has also been said the somber bagpipe music served as
a reminder to the town who was protecting and serving them. The traditional
Irish uilleann pipes were exchanged with the Great Highland bagpipes, a
Scottish instrument as they cast a larger sound. Soon enough, families of
non-Irish decent asked for bagpipes to be played at their funerals as well.

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